


Reviewed and Adopted: September 24, 2021


The name of the Association will be the Texas Urban Council (“TUC”) of Superintendents.


The location of the principal office of the Texas Urban Council shall be in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas. The Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) shall serve as fiscal agent for the TUC.


The TUC is established to promote excellence in education for the primary benefit of the students of public school districts. Its purposes are:

A. To identify current concerns of public school districts; to disseminate information and analysis of public school districts; and to promote the exchange of information and analysis among public school districts;
B. To promote a forum for the consideration of issues facing public school districts; and
C. To monitor, evaluate and consider the effect of state and federal laws and regulations, and to provide information to promote excellence for all students in public education;
D. To advocate for:

• The unique needs of Texas’ larger school districts and

• The needs of students who are English Language Learners, bilingual, at risk, and/or of lower socio-economic status.


A. The Chair, Chair-Elect (Officers), and Co-Chairs of the Legislative Committee of the TUC shall be selected from among the membership of the TUC and approved by a majority vote of the membership present at a regular meeting of the TUC or by mail, email or fax poll. The Chair, the Chair-Elect, and Co-Chairs of the Legislative Committee shall be a superintendent and shall serve a one-year term in that capacity. The Chair-Elect will also serve as a Co-Chair of the Legislative Committee. Terms can be extended if approved by the membership.
1. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the TUC.
2. The Chair-Elect shall preside at all meetings at which the Chair is absent and carry out other duties as assigned by the Chair. The Chair-Elect shall succeed the Chair. If the Chair-Elect no longer holds the position of superintendent in the district from which he or she was elected Chair-Elect, the TUC members will determine the successor to the position.
3. The Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) shall keep and maintain all fiscal records and accounts of the TUC.
B. The Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary -Treasurer and Co-Chairs of the Legislative Committee (otherwise known as the officers) shall serve without compensation.
C. Any vacancy in the officer positions shall be filled in the same manner as
originally selected.
D. The officers, along with any member of the TUC shall have the authority to recommend
additional membership to the TUC with approval of the majority of the membership.
E. Annually, at the June TUC meeting, the officers – serving as the nominating committee – will
appoint the in-coming Chair-Elect and Co-Chair of the Legislative Committee.
F. The terms for the officers run from July 1 – June 31 of each year.


A. The membership term begins on September 1st and ends on August 31st of each year.
B. Membership is limited to school districts which have an enrollment in excess of 30,000 students and which have the following characteristics:
1. Concentrations of disadvantaged, low income and special needs students; or
2. Concentrations of minority students; or
3. Other eligibility requirements as may be determined by the Officers.
C. Membership may be extended to a district not presently a member of the TUC upon recommendation and approved by a majority of the membership at a meeting of the TUC or by mail, email or fax poll.
D. Membership is by school district rather than by individual. The district shall be represented by its superintendent or the superintendent’s designee. Other district staff may attend TUC meetings.
E. Membership shall terminate immediately when a member ceases to meet the eligibility requirements, or for good and just causes, including the failure to manifest an interest in the purpose of the TUC. Such terminations for good and just cause shall be approved by a majority of the membership present at a regular meeting of the TUC or by mail, email or fax poll.


Each district shall have one vote. The vote of the membership shall be cast by the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee. Votes may be taken by mail, email or fax poll.


The TUC fiscal year begins on September 1st and ends on August 31st of each year. Dues shall be assessed in an amount to be determined by the Chair and Chair-Elect and approved by the membership at the first regular meeting after September 1 of each year. Dues shall be payable upon receipt of the assessment. The Chair will be responsible for developing the annual budget.


There shall be at least one meeting of the TUC membership each year to conduct business. The TUC may hold other meetings as needed upon the call of the Chair or majority of the TUC membership. TUC business may also be conducted by scheduled conference calls, including voting on specific issues. A majority of the member districts shall constitute a quorum in order to properly conduct business of the TUC.


An amendment to these by-laws shall be upon the recommendation of and approval by a majority of the membership present at a regular meeting of the TUC or by mail, email or fax poll.