The State of TUC Academic Recovery

The global COVID-19 pandemic has had an undeniable disruptive impact on public education in Texas, and indeed across the United States.

Thankfully, our state’s educators have continued to serve students to the best of their ability. The Texas Urban Council applauds the hard work of teachers and administrators who quickly pivoted to a remote and then hybrid learning environment. Our members were likewise proud to advocate for student-centered policy changes such as Internet for All, and even now are struggling valiantly to keep classrooms open in the face of the Omicron surge.

Eventually, the pandemic itself will recede to an endemic form, but the learning loss experienced by our most vulnerable students threatens to persist even longer should our school leaders fail to thoroughly address it.

That’s why academic recovery has become a primary objective of the Texas Urban Council. At our most recent convening, member Superintendents shared best practices for accelerating learning and deploying state and federal recovery aid effectively. Below, view “The State of TUC Academic Recovery” as shared at that meeting, with special deep dives into the efforts of Corpus Christi, El Paso, Fort Worth and Ysleta ISDs.